Customer Insights Blog

Shoppers’ View has been collaborating with businesses to define and achieve their best for over 25 years.

Improve Your User Experience

In the marketplace, you’re designing for humans. Humans who respond to certain colors for different reasons, who intuitively click on sections of your page more than others, who make snap judgments in less than a second. When you’re designing your website, why not ask a human what they think? Sure, the web gurus on your […]

Customer Service: Your Competitive Edge

When it comes to smart business methods, you’ll want to pay attention to keeping your customers happy. That’s because acquiring a new customer is not four, not five, but six to seven times more costly than customer retention (Salesforce). While customer service can seem intangible at best, there are quantifiable aspects of customer service that […]

7 Customer Service Secrets

After more than one bad customer service experience with a company, 80 percent of customers would rather switch to a competitor, according to Zendesk. It’s likely you can relate. Maybe you went to a highly regarded local restaurant and weren’t greeted for 30 minutes. Or maybe you were at the grocery store, needed help finding […]

Market. Research.

Market research seems like just another buzzword in business today … but what is it exactly? If you’re a fan of the thorough answer, Entrepreneur magazine has a definition for you: “The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a market, about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market, […]

Hidden Video Mystery Shopping with Shoppers’ View

Here’s a video overview from Tony Abbo, our Director of Business Development, on the basics of Hidden Video Mystery Shopping and why it could be an important tool for improving your customer service!

Prevent Mystery Shopping Paranoia: Partner With Your Employees

Is your mystery shopping fueling your employees’ passion or creating paranoia? Too often employees feel that stealth evaluation techniques like mystery shopping are used to punish them or to catch them at their worst. However, mystery shopping, when used effectively, helps employees to perform at their best. Remember, as humans we crave validation and recognition—it’s […]