We’re confident that customer experience strategy (aka mystery shopping) gets results. But we’re not a “set it and forget it” industry. The dedicated team at Shoppers’ View is ready to hone your strategy for optimal results.
If you are currently employing mystery shopping, here’s a checklist to ensure you’re getting the most out of your mystery shopping set-up. Planning for the future? This list will guide the strategy for your next mystery shopping endeavor.
1. Employ SMART Goals
Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time-based. If you’re not already using this pneumonic device around the office, it’s time to apply it to everything. Specifically for mystery shopping, this acronym reminds you how to set—and later reach—your goals for any given customer experience program.
2. Monitor Everything &
3. Fine-Tune
These two concepts should always go hand-in-hand, and if they aren’t working together for your company, you’re sure to get off course.
Take advantage of a personalized mystery shopping dashboard, and keep a close eye on your data. Is your customer satisfaction increasing over time? Consider what changes could have influenced this swell.
Is one mystery shop showing surprising results? Make note, and even consider adjusting your survey questions to dig deeper.
Are you seeing a certain salesperson’s numbers consistently outperforming his or her peers? Schedule an in-person interview that will help you lay the groundwork for new company best practices.
4. Stay the Course
As long as you are monitoring the data and adjusting as necessary, don’t be afraid to collect data over a longer period. The longer you watch the numbers, the better view you’ll have of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as trends over time. Remember, your data can get you many important insights right away, but these insights only get clearer and more comprehensive with time.
5. Own the initiative
A crucial piece of successful mystery shopping is owning it for your business. Your initative’s impact can depend on the perception and participation of key stakeholders in your company. See last week’s post for more info on embedding your mystery shopping program into your core strategy.